Friday, September 24, 2010

Lemonade Stand - Fall Plans

The group working on Lemonade Stand this fall will be myself, Nate Case, and JT Mengel (at least those are the people from the Humanitarian Open Source Software class at RIT). We officially met today to make plans for the quarter. The following are our goals for the quarter:
  • Week 3:
    • Get JT's sketches into image files
    • come up with more events and weather ideas
    • add recipes
  • Week 4:
    • new background image
    • get into
    • define what difficulties entail, implement lowest difficulty
    • nail down ideas about overlays, startup screen
  • Week 5:
    • implement two difficulties, simple and insane
    • Get counting game images
    • implement basic splash screen
  • Week 6:
    • Get store images
    • implement counting game
  • Week 7:
    • Get activity log images
    • Implement store
  • Week 8:
    • Implement activity log
    • Get images for other parts of the game (events, weather, etc.) 
I will be focusing on adding more features to the game, like events, and working on making the game more user friendly especially for kids. JT has the artistic skills of the group so he will be working on improving the graphics and adding graphics for the new features. Nate has been working on the programming for a while so he will likely do most of the coding. 

I think we have a good group for the game and I am excited about what we can get done in the next 7 weeks (such a short time).

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